Monday, August 22, 2005

"$500,000 Per Hour"

These are the responses to my August 19 article "MEDICAID STILL LOSES $12 MILLION A DAY TO FRAUD BUT REMEDIAL ACTION PROCEEDS AT A SNAIL'S PACE." Thanks to all, please continue to provide us with your feedback.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Why in the world should the feds give anything to NY since all we send
    back to Washington is Clinton and Schumer???? I'd prefer to see Spitzer not
    run for gov., but to be appointed special medicaid ag, a position which
    should be in the state charter. If you think waste and fraud are only 10%,
    you're dreaming. At least 20% of the state money and and 30% of NYC budget
    are sheer waste and fraud. As long as the pols keep getting "campaign contributions", it works for them.

    As for me, I'm going to be sure as hell that my kid becomes a doctor.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    > Many thanks for the update on the NYS's response to widespread medicaid
    > Its of interest that TNYT has not done any follow-ups to their in-depth
    > report of the enormous costs of this mismanaged program.
